The door was never opened slammed shut in every place he wanted to work badly To spare him from disgrace. All his friends were working but still couldn't find a job OK, they had qualifications He was taunted and called a slob. Incapable of learning at school no diagnosis could be found back then it was never recognised The difficulties would astound. Poor teaching and ignorance was to blame for all his plight people were ignorant It wouldn't happen overnight. No one knew Dyslexia he didn't even understand it himself chastised by his parents Scared to be left on the shelf. Suffering through ignorance his life would be wasted away no one understood this boy Or what he had to say. In this age of recognition kids can get help at the start so do not suffer in silence Or think you are torn apart. Employers need to be compliant some people learn at a slow pace with training and support They will welcome and embrace. Discrimination is against the Law even though, there are loopholes Employers can do as they please To fill their experienced roles. The rights of many are scrutinized in an age of impatience and hurry no one has any time these days Hence, understanding is blurry.
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