We are used to seeing you
day by day
the sound of your voice
And what you say.

We sensed things were different
lately, there’s no smile
your words full of poison
Nasty and vile.
Still, you stay
while living apart
anger in your sleep
Fast beating heart.
Despite this we love you
the best dad around
your life complicated
Unbalanced unsound.
We sit at the table
not a sound can be heard
we look at the walls
Feeling absurd.
Why do you both live
In pain and strife?
Once a happy couple
Husband and Wife.
Our school life suffers
too tired to study
drained, uninterested
Dirty and muddy.
Now when we wake
you are not here
The house is silent
Frighteningly clear.
No calls or letters?
To make our day
Why blame us?
Is what we say.
Are you happy Dad?
We need you to call
we want to see you
Desperately is all.
Now you are called
our weekend Dad
life is unfair
Mum has a new lad!
We go to the movies
play games in the park
we are all together
But there ain’t no spark.
Mum has a smile
seems happy again
sleeps more soundly
Not like back then.
We see you both separately
its better than before
it took many years
When you walked out the door.
Now we are grown
we now understand
you did the right thing
And life is now grand.
You with your life
mum on a high
everyone smiling
Life going by.

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