At an early age he hit the booze
not knowing any other life
no one imagined the reason at all
He had time to take on a wife?.
Mary was delicate and petite to a point
she was invisible for the eye to see
just why she took on this massive task
She was within her rights to flee.
She tried in vain to change McGregor
but old habits died very hard
even producing five handsome sons
With another one on the cards..
The violence came, the abuse started
this petite flower was duly drained
scared when he eventually came home
Their marriage realistically strained.
His womanizing and alcohol addiction
finally, came to a head
his antics and daily blackouts
Inevitably he would be dead.
Mary watched as her lover detached
from her and all of their kin
McGregor wanted nothing from them
Just booze, and to stay within.
Eventually the old man died
and on his tomb it said
"being dependent on booze is no way to live"
give it up and live for today.
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