
William Sinclair Manson

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Scottish Tartans. / Writings · 24 September 2024

Scottish Tartans. Aberdeen.

This is said to be one of the oldest of the tartans produced by Wilsons of Bannockburn and mentioned in an order to them on 20th June 1794 although by their reckoning they produced it during the days of prohibition between 1746 and 1782. A comment in their 1819 pattern book says; “This pattern was made and named after the city of Aberdeen about the middle of the 18th century (only a supposition of N.Wilson Jnr)” See also ‘Bon Accord’ This is from the Wilson threadcount as documented in James Scarlett’s “Tartan the Highland Textile” (1990). The count was taken from a manuscript account book in the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland in Queen Street, Edinburgh.

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