
William Sinclair Manson

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My-Poetry / Writings · 1 May 2017

My Poetry. Animal Life.

Ever wondered what it’s like trying to SURVIVE
animals have that right so let’s keep them ALIVE
let them escape people who hunt for fun
Struggling to know when and if they shoot the gun.

Asking to be spared without having a voice
pleading with intelligence who really have a choice
wishing to be spared to roam and freely live
But the question on my lips is, DO ANIMALS FORGIVE?
We kill them for their meat needing to survive
How dare we think animals have a right to be alive!
I wonder if they think out loud “we do not hunt for man”
But maybe in the future that might be their plan.
They hunt amongst themselves they have to kill to eat
only cos they have to not because of a treat
getting pleasure killing animals is pitiful, and sad
We teach our children daily that animals ain’t bad.
God made this earth for all life to live hand in hand
I don’t think he realised what man had secretly planned!
We need to live beside the animals we love
From elephants to tigers and flying turtle-doves.
To hunt animals for profit is tragic and a waste
It’s bad enough murdering them for palates of human tastes
When we see there’s nothing left will we be content?
Or will we seek out other life to help the sporty gent?
Kill animals for food as we need to survive
But for pleasure and profit KEEP THEM ALIVE.

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