
William Sinclair Manson

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My-Poetry / Writings · 1 May 2017

My Poetry. Raindrops the only sound.

 The only thing I hear 
 are raindrops on the glass 
 the forefront in my mind 
 Is the pain which I amass. 
 Deep as it cuts, it never mends 
 it casts more doubt in my heart 
 solitude is a thing I could never face 
 So much as we now part. 
 I close my eyes and you appear
 your always in my heart
 The days are nights the nights are day
 I don't know where to start.
 and still, silence fills the air
 With only the sound of rain.
 When I reach out to you in the night
 Emptiness fills me with pain.
 Be happy in your new life
 where sunshine fills your day
 text me when I'm alone
 Make my sunny day Gray.
 Desperation fills my body
 as I kneel upon the ground
 whilst silence fills the air around
 Raindrops are the only sound.

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