
William Sinclair Manson

Hello friends, hope you are all good. I have been writing blogs for many years and love it, it's a pleasure to have people read my work and many people do. I welcome all of you warmly. I will also follow you if your blog is of interest. Please feel free to follow me. I also promote blogs and websites on my blog so if you want a mention please get in touch..

My-Poetry / Writings · 16 November 2019

My Poetry. Past your sell by date.

 You think you are past your “sell-by date” 
When aches and pains appear 
It takes a wee while longer 
To drink your pint of beer. 
You cannot hold your water 
Always bursting at the seams
You go to bed early
And hope for decent dreams.
You wake up during the night
To have yet another pee
You do not have the bloody brains
To turn on a light to see.
When you fumble back into bed
The dogs took your bloody place
So you end up on the cold part
While he snores out of his face!
When morning comes eventually
After another of those restless nights
You head for the bathroom
As the cold winter bites.
The aches and pains still there
Your knees have a good old “crack”
As you try to come to some order
And try to straighten your back.
All you can do is be pleased
You have awoken to another day.
So folks keep on smiling
It is the only way.
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