
William Sinclair Manson

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My-Poetry / Writings · 18 March 2020

My Poetry. Self Harming Son.

Why do you look so pale today? 
yesterday you were glowing 
you look so sad sitting there 
my concern for you is growing. 
Its as if you were a million miles away 
nothing around you matters 
your life is torn, sorrowful and sad
around you all is in tatters.
What turned this boy into a raging soul?
fighting the ones he adores
did someone treat you badly before?
your arms all scratched with sores.
Arms are bruised bright red coloured
trying to hide the scars
you sit there quiet in your own little World
looking up at the stars.
Scratches deep not far from a vein
but not quite reaching your goal
done in privacy so no one knows
desperate to save your soul.
Why are you doing this? what's wrong with you?
we need to discuss this now
I promise to listen and be calm
I give you my solemn vow.
If I cannot help you, lets see someone
who can advise and show you the way
your life cant continue to be so sad
for now or another day.
Three months ago you were a lively lad
hardly a care in the World
now this misery has entered your body
and terror quickly unfurled.
Talk with me now, tell me what's wrong?
I cannot guess the way you feel
I try to be here for you day and night
my love for you is real.
Maybe in time you will get well
we will fight this evil together
with the help of doctors and from me
we will storm this hideous weather.

So many kids nowadays are turning to self harm,
it is easy to recognise the symptoms, talk to your kids,
make sure they have no issues, get to the matter quickly,
before it is too late.
Facebook welcome.
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