
William Sinclair Manson

Hello friends, hope you are all good. I have been writing blogs for many years and love it, it's a pleasure to have people read my work and many people do. I welcome all of you warmly. I will also follow you if your blog is of interest. Please feel free to follow me. I also promote blogs and websites on my blog so if you want a mention please get in touch..

Blog/website Promotions / Writings · 20 April 2020

Blog/Web Promotions.(Ingrid. D.)

Ingrid .D.

Hello folks, Promotions time, There are many travel blogs out there but I like the personal ones, the ones that give you many graphics and stories so I feel this Blog is worth a mention, plus Ingrid is lovely and visits Blogs regularly, so pop over and support her.

Here is a sample of Ingrids work, please note her photographs are copywritten.

There was a restaurant nearby where we bought delicious tuna sandwiches. That’s actually it: we worked on our tan, swam, admired the stunning views and ate. A lot.

In the evening, we had dinner in the same waterside restaurant. What a romantic setting!

Please visit Ingrids Blog here for more info, share the love.

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