
William Sinclair Manson

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public-poetry / Writings · 12 April 2021

Public Poetry. Wanda Coleman.

About God and things.

i want to have your child
cuz upon losing you
i’ll have more than memory
more than ache
more than greatness
i’ll have laughter
i do not mean to be fatalistic
know the limits put on you black man
me, black woman
when you are killed or imprisoned
desert or separate from me
i’ll continue
fill the void of your absence with
love between me and ours

you love me
in your eyes. don’t say it loud
america will never let you

you’re home. it’s a surprise
you’ve made it thru another day
one more night in your arms
to fuck
merge our bodies merge
congress cannot legislate away

eyes wide as suns inquire
where’s daddy?
 he’s gone away
 i love my daddy
 i smile
he’s a good man
 eyes wide as suns
burn my hand with a kiss
go outside to play in the streets
what god is about. 
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