
William Sinclair Manson

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Scottish places of interest. / Writings · 22 October 2023

Scottish Places of Interest (zoo)

The wildest visitor attraction in Scotland. Edinburgh Zoo is home to over 1,000 rare animals from around the world and home to the UK’s only giant pandas and koalas.

Home to over 1,000 rare and endangered animals, including the UK’s only giant pandas. RZSS Edinburgh Zoo is packed with fun and un-zoo-sual things to do.

Why not watch our famous penguin parade and visit the world’s only Knighted penguin, Sir Nils Olav. Or spend your day learning about brilliant birds, mischievous meerkats, super strong sun bears and more with daily keeper talks!

Get closer than ever to monkeys, lemurs, wallabies and pelicans in our walkthrough habitats or at our daily animal-handling sessions. Watch a Sumatran tiger walk right over your head in Tiger Tracks, our amazing glass viewing tunnel. And if you prefer smaller critters, you’ll enjoy Wee Beasties where you can find reptiles, amphibians and insects.

It’s more fun at the zoo this summer so prepare for an adventurous day out exploring 82 acres of beautiful parkland full of incredible animals and experiences.​​​​​​  Please note that pre-booking is essential this summer for all visits to comply with Scottish Government guidelines.

Edinburgh Zoo is unlike any other visitor attraction in Scotland. As part of RZSS, one of Scotland’s leading conservation charities, the Park acts as a gateway to our wider work, both here in Scotland and in over 20 countries around the world.

Koala Gonaroo 1461610151

More places of Interest and worth a visit.

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