
William Sinclair Manson

Hello friends, hope you are all good. I have been writing blogs for many years and love it, it's a pleasure to have people read my work and many people do. I welcome all of you warmly. I will also follow you if your blog is of interest. Please feel free to follow me. I also promote blogs and websites on my blog so if you want a mention please get in touch..

My-Poetry / Writings · 1 May 2017

My Poetry. Spring is in the air!

Daffodils peeking
from hard frosted ground
Growing in bunches
Millions around.

Lovely fresh air
while skies are clear
temperatures rising
Warmth is near.
Birds are tweeting
scrounging for food
Flying home quickly
To feed their brood.
Kids out playing
the first sign of fun
anoraks jilted
In the bright warm sun.
More light nights
darkness has gone
sun shines early
At the crack of dawn.

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