
William Sinclair Manson

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My-Poetry / Writings · 2 May 2017

My Poetry. The Arachnid and Me!!

There was a spider 
crawling on my floor 
couldn't catch the blighter 
To put out the door. 
Every day my eyes were peeled 
hoping it would show 
not on the walls, or in a corner 
were did it go? 
Open windows are needed
on a hot summer night
but creatures of the outside
Scamper for the light.
Giant moths fly in tune
dive-bombing by the second
no care for anything in its path
Or a newspaper it never reckoned!
Still, the search is on
for my spider house mate
were the heck did it go?
Is it ready for its fate?
Scanning the floor, and the walls
still, it does not appear
the thought of it still in my  house
Is filling me with fear.
Our eight legged furry friends
 have no idea how they panic
 a man in his middle years
 Distraught and all too manic.
 Just when its out of your mind
 in the corner of your eye you see
 your friend running on the floor
 So cheeky and it's free.
 Deciding on what action to take
 whether he will stand still or run
 Will you do the humane thing?
 Or shoot it with a gun!
 Panic comes all over me
 as I stand in a frozen state
 then he starts to make a run
 And then it seals its fate.
 As I place the cup over him
 hoping he will stay put
 goodbye Mr Spider
 its time that you were oot.

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