As the World revolves today 
much has happened this Year 
people killed or lost 
Or living in fear. 
Earthquakes roar and grumble 
famine still is rife 
for man, woman, child 
Hardship comes to life. 
But do not forget others
who suffer each new day
don't let them be forgotten
While they have no say.
God moves in mysterious ways
 still, he wants to be heard
 some say this is his way
 of pulling in "his herd"
 Planets can only take so much
 of man made destruction
 so let's try our level best
 To aid in its construction.
 Oceans roar, winds batter
 nothing can stand the blast
 just like many years before
 We answer to our past.
 People in this World each day
 suffer a striking blow
 lose family members daily
 Scared more will go.
 Nuclear stations blowing up
 radiation in the air
 for people who never wanted this
 Too right it isn't fair.
 Why not use resources
 free, not harmful at all
 use the wind and solar power
 Then no one will fall.
 War, uprisings, restlessness
 the whole World going mad
 trying to oust despots
 Democracy is needed bad.
 Let's treat our Earth like treasure
 learn from all this foe
 or else we will have nothing
 Nowhere to go.
 Our kids need a stable future
 Generations may be lost
 sit back and try to think
 Add up the cost.
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