The waves dashed fiercely bodies tossed side by side all alone a vessel struggling to glide. Thirteen souls afloat in a wooden sanctuary not knowing were it was going no one knew if it was night or day. No food or supplies had been saved just people in a trance from the old to the young thrown together in circumstance. The ship had sunk days ago the lifeboats went down bar one only one remained intact Floating in the blazing sun. One man had taken charge as excitement dulled common sense the female passengers crying No one coming to their defence. He tried to gather order as screams of terror flew this was in desperation From a terrified motley crew. Injured people holding wounds crying with pain others tried to comfort them Battered by the rain. For many days they travelled praying they would sight land patience and good fortune was getting out of hand. Out of all the ships passengers only thirteen would survive starving and half-dead Lucky to be alive. Eventually, land had been sighted for some, they would never forget never taking anything for granted No sadness or regret. The lifeboat now stood lonely it had saved so many lives fathers, sons, and daughters Husbands sisters and wives. The moral of this story is work hard as a team survival is for the fittest it isn't just a dream.
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heheh thank you Mary xx