
William Sinclair Manson

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My-Poetry / Writings · 8 April 2018

My Poetry. Alzheimers.

I visit you regularly
your still my mam
your memory is faltering
You think I am Pam.

Your hair has turned Grey
you look somewhat older
the staff are so clinical
business-like, cold shoulder
You remember the times
when you were a child
but the present escapes you
And it drives you wild.
The outside is strange
you cry when your out
you’re constantly on medication
What’s this all about?
Bedtime is a nightmare
your mind wanders on
you can’t remember your kids
From Jack to Dawn!
Your Grandkids miss you
especially your smile

always asking for you
Every once in a while.
You are still loved and cherished
by family and friends
and will be forever
Till the pain finally ends!

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