
William Sinclair Manson

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My-Poetry / Writings · 23 February 2020

My Poetry. Flooding. when will it end?

 As we witness the weather, and even some snow
 People protecting Their homes and now have to go,
 Waters rising day by day
 Barriers useless failing to stay
 Boats to sail from one street to the another
 Shops are closed and too wet to bother.
 Millions of pounds of damage this Year
 As you watch in shock, a woman sheds a tear,
 Farmers land saturated and soaked
 Animals clambering too scared to be stroked.
 Washed out homes, sandbanks stacked
 All the residents rushing to get everything packed,
 Fear the water will rise once more
 Reaching the garden, now at the door.
 Nature has its way of telling us how
 The state of the planet is critical now.
 Climate is changing and not for the good
 As the farmers will tell you when they try to grow food.
 Storms aplenty, and more to come
 Faces all shattered and all looking glum,
 The need to be prepared is an emergency now
 Keep smiling people and weather that brow. 
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