I need you to survive You keep me alive I swallow you each day You help in your own Kinda way. Your sometimes heaven sent And no need to repent The aches and pains are real Of which I often feel. You stabilise my mind And for that your one of a kind What would happen to me today If you left and didn’t stay? Would I become a nervous wreck? A joke?, a pain in the neck? So for now I will need to depend On you to be my friend Make me well in this uncertain day Work your magic in your own special way. What am I ?
My Poetry. WHAT AM I?
Facebook welcome.
Hey William. Nobody left an answer to your query or was it a rhetorical question. I’m guessing meds. Hope you are well and that things can come back to normal some day. Enjoy your Sunday. Allan
lol yeah it was Allan, thanks a lot mate, very kind of you, have a great day.
A riddle poem! Rare.
hahah thank you xx