Whilst walking along the street one night I came across a wondrous sight A lady aglow in an aura of light. She looked so very real I walked towards her shaking her charm was mesmerising Could my eyes be faking? Her dress was of a distant past hair was long and dark the street was lit from her glow Whilst heading for the park. She walked along a darkened path apparel trailing on the ground smiling beautifully as she walked did she want to be found?. I walked close behind her the moonlight shone the way I tried to stop and talk to her still shocked with nothing to say. Her bodice was coloured blood red barely clad but felt no cold wondering how she managed to walk how will this mystery unfold. Stunned by her beauty I followed her for hours glancing around now and then she engulfed me with her powers. Eventually she would stop and stare at a decrepit abandoned shack still floating as if magical she did not leave a track. Eyes fixed on the shack tears ran from her eyes she pointed to an inscription and looked in shocked surprise. Directed by her trance to the notice on the door the light was slowly fading it was hard to read once more Reaching for a match the message was unclear the writing was of scripture how long had this been here? Her name was Nancy Smith she died in a tragic way in 1840 at this time her life was taken away. She died from a horrible fire no one had tried to assist human life was worth nothing then death was always dismissed. Knowing she needed someone to help she strolled the streets at night but until now she never got her wish she could not reach the light. I said a prayer for Nancy to allow her soul to rest then set fire to the remaining shell I felt it was for the best. Three nights later I returned flowers covered the spot Nancy at rest peacefully now. the remains of her forgot. Nancy's soul was rested she eventually won her fight to this day no girl was seen with a glow of yellow light.
Facebook welcome.
A haunting poem beautifully told!
awe thank you Mary xx