Do you remember days gone by When they were long and time wouldn’t fly Carefree times with no pretence Feeling young with confidence. The sun blinding your very soul Bonfires, tents and blackened coal. Never having a horrid day Loving life ,come what may. Focused on your younger life Before the turmoil, pressure and strife. Friends would come and always stay Making life a memorable day. Laughing at all innocent things Where bees are buzzing and birds sings Summer days full of fun Playing football in the sun No enemy to make you scared Cakes and scones carefully prepared Food a plenty and stomachs full Enjoying the times you have at school. The best friend you have has four legs Follows you everywhere, sits and begs Those were the days I will never forget When times were happy you had nothing to fret.
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[…] Why does it matter if we are black or white do we really care and do we have to fight? underneath our skin we all bleed red were brought up as humans and were breast fed. Just because we are different doesn't give us the right to suppress the vulnerable with all our might. Abuse our Power think we are better than you treat you with contempt and murder you. Why do we think racialism is cool when in Gods eyes you are a fool. The World is crumbling and Humanity is in a mess its all our own doing we must confess. Now we are protesting the bullets will fly and at the end of the day we all will die. […]