
William Sinclair Manson

Hello friends, hope you are all good. I have been writing blogs for many years and love it, it's a pleasure to have people read my work and many people do. I welcome all of you warmly. I will also follow you if your blog is of interest. Please feel free to follow me. I also promote blogs and websites on my blog so if you want a mention please get in touch..

My-Poetry / Writings · 21 September 2021

My Poetry. Remember the days!

Do you remember days gone by 
When they were long and time wouldn’t fly 
Carefree times with no pretence 
Feeling young with confidence. 
The sun blinding your very soul 
Bonfires, tents and blackened coal. 
Never having a horrid day 
Loving life ,come what may. 
Focused on your younger life 
Before the turmoil, pressure and strife.
Friends would come and always stay
Making life a memorable day.
Laughing at all innocent things
Where bees are buzzing and birds sings
Summer days full of fun
Playing football in the sun
No enemy to make you scared
Cakes and scones carefully prepared
Food a plenty and stomachs full
Enjoying the times you have at school.
The best friend you have has four legs
Follows you everywhere, sits and begs
Those were the days I will never forget
When times were happy you had nothing to fret.
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