
William Sinclair Manson

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Scotland and its history / Writings · 27 March 2022

Scotland and its History. (Crime)


A five-man gang caused havoc and terror when they carried out a four-minute raid on a jewellers in Glasgow.

Staff at Rox Jewellers in Glasgow’s Argyll Arcade expected Wednesday September 24 2014 to be just like any other day.

But around lunch-time panic and chaos would ensue as the five-man gang wreaked havoc and terror carrying out their perfectly-planned smash-and-grab.

Career criminals Jason Yendall, Aaron Brannan and Jason Britton along with two unknown associates travelled in convoy from Edinburgh and stopped in Queen Street just yards from the arcade which is home to over 30 jewellery stores.

One man remained in the getaway car while the four men – two with baseball bats, one with a sledgehammer and one with an axe, wearing balaclavas, and stormed the busy mall.

Some of the gang stood outside keeping watch as shoppers and staff screamed as other members smashed displays and tossed 21 expensive watches into their holdall.

In a bid to disorientate the robbers one hardy member of staff activated a device which saw smoke fill the arcade.

As they made their escape one yelled “I’ll f*****g kill you all!” before they jumped into their getaway car, complete with stolen number plates, and headed back to the capital.

Their four-minute trail of destruction left the arcade with a £20,000 repair bill.

The value of their haul – including 19 Hublot watches – was £229,601. The watches have never been recovered.

Ringleader Yendall was locked up for 12 years and nine months, Brannan 10 and a half years while Britton was sentenced to five years and 10 months.

Oliver was jailed for seven and a half years and McLay, who used to be a talented chef, sentenced to six years.

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