
William Sinclair Manson

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My-Poetry / Writings · 17 June 2022

My Poetry. Black or White.

Why does it matter
if we are black or white
do we really care
and do we have to fight?
underneath our skin 
we all bleed red
were brought up as humans
and were breast fed.
Just because we are different
doesn't give us the right
to suppress the vulnerable
with all our might.
Abuse our Power
think we are better than you
treat you with contempt
and murder you.
Why do we think
racialism is cool
when in Gods eyes
you are a fool.
The World is crumbling
and Humanity is in a mess
its all our own doing
we must confess.
Now we are protesting
the bullets will fly
and at the end of the day
we all will die.
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