
William Sinclair Manson

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Scottish places of Interest. W.D

Scottish Whisky Distilleries.

Dear friends,

Scotland is well known for a lot of things but the main thing is Whisky, enjoyed Worldwide by millions of people, but did you know how it is made? In Scotland, there are many Distilleries which offer Tours, so next time you visit Scotland, why not take a tour and enjoy our Famous Brand.

Scottish Whisky regions

The Single Malt Whiskies of Scotland were traditionally grouped into four different main regions, Highlands, Campbeltown, Lowlands and Islay. This was not based on the specification but it had something to do with earlier regulations and excise. Later on, two more (sub) groups were added, the Islands and Speyside. It’s hard to imagine Campbeltown as a separate region but at one time the town had more than 20 distilleries!

So the six distinct whisky regions in Scotland, each with their own characteristics, are The Highlands, Islands, Lowland, Islay, Campbeltown and Speyside.

There is a selection of Malt Whisky Distilleries by region. This list gives an overview of the most interesting and/or popular distilleries and the possibilities for a guided tour. Please always check the opening times of a distillery yourself before planning a visit. You are not the first one to be disappointed in the summer, silent season or any other time for that matter.

Scottish Distilleries

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