
William Sinclair Manson

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Scottish Architecture. / Writings · 24 November 2023

Scottish Architecture. Culter House.

Culter House (St. Margaret’s School for Girls Boarding House).


Main Block: S.E. part c. 1640/70, 3-storey with end tower

projections, 4-window centre with central moulded doorway and

corbelled centre chimney with Cumin coat of arms triple

shafted at top; c.1730 3-storey and basement 9-window front

with architraved central doorpiece added to N.W. doubling

width of house. Symmetrical N. & S. wings of good design

added 1910 W. Dalton Ironside (Walker and Duncan). Fire

damaged 1910, interior reinstated with principal rooms

faithfully reproduced incorporating parts of original (but

with woodwork varnished), Dr. Wm. Kelly. Harled throughout,

original part steeply battered, slighter batter in later

work. Principal interior 2nd floor ballroom, R-doric

pilasters coved ceiling with painting of Aurora after Guido

Reni (by Allan Sutherland, replacing original lost in fire).

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