
William Sinclair Manson

Hello friends, hope you are all good. I have been writing blogs for many years and love it, it's a pleasure to have people read my work and many people do. I welcome all of you warmly. I will also follow you if your blog is of interest. Please feel free to follow me. I also promote blogs and websites on my blog so if you want a mention please get in touch..

My-Poetry / Writings · 1 May 2017

My Poetry. Blinkered.

Looking through "blinkered" eyes 
you don't see much around. 
nothing much satisfies you 
nothing new is found. 
All you see is blackness 
a vision ready made 
forced to see the ugly things 
never seems to fade. 
No one can set you free
and wouldn't anyway.
they are all too busy in their World
selfishly having their way.
like a nightmare never ending
your a prisoner in your own demise
never seeing daylight
wishing to see blue skies.
Your being held captive
like a lock without a key
your in a place you don't want to be
knowing you can never be free.
The only person that can free you
is yourself if you have the will
you must do it on your own
the poison you must spill.

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