Michel Sulpin.


Le moyen historique de faire le lien patronymique entre SULPICIUS et SULPINUS – SULPIN Benedict XIII is an anti pope of Avignon: the Aragonese Pedro de Luna is named
Pope September 23, 1394.
The Diocese Bazas dependent on French recognized the Pope of Avignon! Several
Bishops are appointed to the obedience of Avignon, among others: Peter SULPIN 1397
To 1417. He ran his diocese with catchy be generated by John Herrenco, his

counterpart appointed by Rome after that left him alone Bazas caring more about
Vatican City.

¨ Pierre had important contacts in councils. The King of France: Charles VI Valois
“Thank you for penalties and the work he had had affairs of the diocese of Bazas” the King sick
psychomaniaco depression had to leave his uncles to resume Regency … and Roy
Henry IV of England Lancaster son of John of Gaunt Duke of Aquitaine and February 1 mars 1390
And thus claiming the throne of France.
“Peter is brother Sulpin Minor in the convent of Toulouse. He inherited a fund of Books,
known for his science, he founded the University of Toulouse a College that was the name of
St. FLOUR which he was born.

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