If I was the sea 
I would carry you for miles
protect you from sharks
Drown in your smiles.
If I was God
I would forgive all sinners
force mankind to love
Make everyone winners.
If I was rich
I would buy you flowers
give money to the poor
build family towers.
If I was telepathic
I would read your mind
root out all your despair
And make negativity kind.
If I was an insect
I would probably be
a busy wee ant
Scrounging and free..
If I was an animal
I would like to be
a roaring Lion
Fearing me.
If I was a car
I would be very fast
leaving the dust behind
Having a blast.
If I was a bird
I would soar in the sky
enjoy all the views
And people passing by.
If I was a horse
I would run forever
then eat hay at night
To be proud and clever.
If I was a ship
I would be on a cruise
lap up the sun
Enjoying the booze!
If I was the sun
I would shine on all of you
because you are special
Unique through and through.
Facebook welcome.
Thank you for Sharing me.