
William Sinclair Manson

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Infamous Scots. / Writings · 27 May 2022

Infamous Scots. William Manson.

No relation to me lol.

A GANGSTER’S overdose death is being reinvestigated – amid claims he was forced to kill himself.

William Manson, who was implicated in the double murders of hoods Joe Hanlon and Bobby Glover, died in 1997 at the age of 58.

His death was blamed on an overdose of the powerful painkiller coproxamol, which has since been banned.

But claims that he was forced to take a lethal dose of the pills surfaced in a book by late crime writer Reg McKay.

And last year a member of Manson’s family wrote to the Crown Office and asked them to look into the shocking allegations.

It emerged yesterday that prosecutors are now examining the claims and the inquiry could be reopened by a cold case team.

A Crown Office spokesman said yesterday: “The procurator fiscal in Glasgow is considering allegations regarding the death of a 58-year-old man on November 12, 1997.

“We will continue to liaise with the next of kin in relation to this matter.”

Hanlon and Glover were suspected of murdering Arthur “Fat Boy” Thompson, who was shot dead outside his home in Provanmill, Glasgow, in August 1991.

On the eve of his funeral, the pair were murdered and their bodies dumped in a car on the cortege’s route through Shettleston.

Manson, who was a close associate of Fat Boy’s father, Glasgow godfather Arthur Thompson snr, was later blamed for the double murder.

Convicted gunrunner Paul Ferris went on trial for Arthur Jnr’s murder but was cleared. The murders of Hanlon and Glover also remain unsolved.

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