Cold beads of sweat running down my brow tossing and turning all night impossible to awaken from a coma like state suffering the terrors of fright. What makes our brain imagine things? you would probably never experience for real perhaps you were an actor in a previous life because everything here you can feel. People you can picture some have names others come and go in the scene its always the ones you can never imagine in your everyday life they have been. Carried on to memory like a taped account only to be used when asleep if awake you could possibly control them and the horrible things you could keep. Perhaps it’s something you dealt with that day? or at a time you felt at your worst bad things brought on by unpleasant memories right now, all you feel is you’re cursed. When you awake in the morning you often find The covers are like a bombarded shelter whilst trying to remember what your dream was about your brain is on a fast helter-skelter
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