
William Sinclair Manson

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Infamous Scots. / Writings · 1 June 2022

Infamous Scots. Howard Wilson.

Warning some of this material may upset or may be unsuitable for young children.

The robbers locked the staff in the Linwood branch of the Clydesdale bank and made off with their £14,000 haul.

It was the 30th December 1969 and there were no sophisticated alarms to alert police right away so the three men were relaxed.

Howard Wilson, a former policeman himself, was the leader and he told the other two men, John Sim and Ian Donaldson, they would go to his flat in Allison Street in Glasgow to share their loot.

But while they were trying to unload the cash from their car they were spotted by Inspector Andrew Hyslop who recognised Wilson.

Finding a suitcase of coins they started to search the flat. Wilson pulled a gun and shot Hyslop straight in the face.

Before he could be stopped he managed to shoot two of the other officers, killing one and fatally injuring another. Wilson and his accomplices were arrested.

Wilson appeared in Edinburgh High Court in February 1970 charged with murder. He was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.

He was released in 2002.

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