
William Sinclair Manson

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Infamous Scots. / Writings · 30 May 2022

Infamous Scots. Steven leisk.

Contains sensitive Information.

Leisk was a convicted sex attacker and had been in and out of jail when he abducted and murdered tragic nine-year-old Scott Simpson in Aberdeen in July 1997.

Scott was taken from a park near to his city home by Leisk, then 34.

The boy’s body was found five days later within the grounds of Aberdeen University. 

He had been strangled.

Leisk, who had a string of convictions for sex offences dating back to 1984 and had been jailed three times, had been living in a flat overlooking the park where Scott was last seen alive.

His sentence was cut to 20 years in 2002 due to human rights laws but he has been denied parole by the authorities.

Scott’s family mounted a campaign last year to stop Leisk being freed.

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