Waves batter shoreline stones polished to a high degree No man made power needed for this task Just Mother Nature and her sea. The power is magnificent within Earth itself more gigantic than man or his Kings We cannot control the force of our planet Nor control how a bird flys or sings. From ancient times man tried to control The way our Earth reacted But even in this new millennium we could only watch close and interacted. The Egyptians were the most advanced Far ahead of their time and education Their greatest of buildings still stand today with no asbestos or harmful radiation. what have we learned from millions of years? When man did not dominate the Planet Animals ruled in fierce competition territories were bare and volcanic. As we grow to a very old age We wonder what will happen to us next Will we survive as this planet deteriorates? Or will get even more complex? Many scriptures tried to seal our fate Predictions were almost turned true But who can make a difference to our future? We all know the answer is YOU....
Look after yourselves and our Planet.
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